Saturday, August 25, 2012

Lance Armstrong is giving up - enough is enough

It's over. On Thursday night, seven times winner of the Tour de France, Lance Armstrong, announced that he can't continue fighting against U.S. Anti Doping Agency anymore.
In a statement for Associated Press, Lance said that there is a moment in every man's life when he has to say enough, that this moment has come for him and that he is done fighting against USADA, adding his disappointment and unbelieve how this affected on his work, family and organization.
The U.S. Anti Doping Agency declared that will strip Lance Armstrong seven titles from Tour de France and that he would probably be banned from sports for lifetime.
Armstrong retired from the sport in 2011 and was followed with a two year investigation for using banned substances, but without being charged. Investigation was closed in February, but in June USADA announced that has evidence of a doping program, a written e-mails from former Armstrong teammate - Floyd Landis, who won the Tour in 2006, but the title was taken away from him after a positive drug test.
Case of Lance Armstrong is the newest episode in the black series that hit cycling sport, where fight against banned substances is a few years late.


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